Hi! I am Jen, your Sex and Relationship Coach.

Ready to transform your tired, detached & overwhelmed, to connected, supportive & passionate sexual partners?

73% of couples say their sex life has taken a turn for the WORSE since having children.

Family Life

Let me ask you?

  • Do you and your spouse feel like roommates?

  • Are you hardly on the same page when it comes to when you should have sex?

  • Does sex feel like just another thing on the to-do list?

What if YOU could...

  • Understand the common misperceptions of what is "normal" in a sexual relationship and strategies to overcome your current mindset so you can establish your own normal.

  • Identify the mental and physical blocks preventing you from having the sex life you desire so you can truly be more vulnerable and open to exploring your intimate relationship on a deeper level.

  • Have the time management skills and tools to "fit it all in" while reducing the feelings of stress and overwhelm that is preventing you from having a more balanced intimate and co-parenting relationship.

  • Implement a personalized self-care plan to increase the confidence within yourselves as partners and lovers so you can bring your best self and become more present in all of your relationships.

  • Identify communication challenges between the two of you and learn easy strategies to communicate more effectively inside and outside the bedroom.

  • Increase awareness of your own personal sex drives and ways to support one another and tools to work together to reach ultimate pleasure for each of you.

  • Share techniques for showing both physical and emotional intimacy on a daily basis to increase the intimate connection between the two of you.

The Connected Couple Coaching Program will give you all of the above!

Client Testimonial

"I loved the take-home activities, especially the questions for intellectual stimulation. It helped to reframe intimacy for us"

-former client, identity kept confidential

Client Testimonial

"My biggest takeaway after working with Jen is that communication between my husband has improved 100%. Not just in the are of intimacy, but in all areas of our lives. I no longer shy away from the tough conversations that need to be had"

-former client, identity kept confidential

Client Testimonial

"I realized how I am embarrassed I to talk and even have sex but I realized it is actually a normal, healthy, integral part of any relationship"

-former client, identity kept confidential