In my Couples' Program, The Connected Couple, we will address four key components that create a thriving relationship: healthy communication, deep emotional connection, work-life harmony, and shared responsibility.

Together, I'll help you build a sustainable and fulfilling life as a couple, no matter how busy your schedule.

FairPlay is a system designed to help couples create an equitable division of household and relationship responsibilities by assigning clear roles, fostering accountability, and ensuring mutual appreciation. It promotes fairness, reduces stress, and strengthens connection through intentional collaboration.

As a Certified FairPlay Facilitator, in this 90 minute session, I will guide you through the fundamentals and help you seamlessly integrate FairPlay principles into your relationship!

I’m much more interested in sex/intimacy with my husband in general. Before working with Jen, the thought of being intimate rarely crossed my mind and now I look forward to our time alone and think about sex way more than before.

Former Client Testimonial-identity kept confidential

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